Vital Football Bolton...No News and No Life!!

Last updated : 01 June 2007 By John Jenkin
It would appear that Vital Football Bolton are very, very bored at the moment. So much so that they feel the need to not only make up some of the most stupid stories I have ever heard, but to further insult Sunderland supporters and the people of Sunderland.

Now, the easy thing would be to start insulting Bolton and their people, but I'm not. That's not fair on them.

I'm not as low and as pathetic as this guys is!

Maybe he should get a girlfriend and start getting out a little more. Lets face it, if you are so bored that you resort to typing this garbage then you really do need to take a long look at your social life.

Now as if stating that Keane was threatening to leave the SoL because of funds, (even though Keane has already been given his LARGE budget) wasn't a big enough joke, his next article was to blow that one out of the water! Richard McCormick has also exclusively revealed that Keane could be set to take over his hated rivals Manchester City...ha ha ha.

Hmmmmm, This must be big news, with not one other football source reporting on it!! Much to his surprise, his utter crap has annoyed quite a few fans so Richard the internet hardman decides to publish an article insulting Sunderland and its supporters.

Well Richard, I think it's safe to say you've managed to make yourself look a complete git.

Please see below for links to the articles he has written and also feel free to contact Richard and Vital Football at

- Bollocks about Keane threatening to leave because of funds.

- Bollocks about Keane leaving Sunderland to join City.

- Bollocks insulting Sunderland supporters.

Ha'way the lads!

John Jenkins