Mignolet - One Mistake Is One Too Many

Last updated : 22 February 2013 By Tott Dixon - Seaham

Simon Mignolet: “You have to remember the position I found myself in when I made that mistake; the fans started clapping and shouting my name, and in the dressing room the players, manager and coaches were behind me.


"This makes it easier to deal with any mistake you make, especially the sort of thing in the West Brom game.

“Sometimes football goes against you, sometimes you struggle and it feels like everything is going against you, but I really appreciated the fans’ reaction that day. That was a big help.

“Every mistake you make is one too many.

“But on the other hand you learn from these moments.

“It’s not always a bad thing, as long as you learn from it and keep going.

“When a goalkeeper makes a mistake like that it usually leads to a goal.

“You can then do one of two things. You either let yourself go down or you can lift your head and think about the next moment when you will be called into action – that’s what I try to do – and make sure that it doesn’t happen again.”