Dubai Trip An Extravagance Or A Benefit?

Last updated : 16 February 2013 By Tott Dixon - Seaham

Martin O'Neill: “We feel as if we've got something out of it, although I suppose the proof will be in the pudding in terms of results afterwards.

“I think it's been very beneficial. We've done quite a bit of training and have integrated the newer lads into the team, which is important.

“We've trained early in the morning before the sun got very, very strong, and then again later in the day.

“It's been a change in routine and something I feel we've gained a bit of fitness from. Some of these players have played a lot of games.

“Meanwhile, people like [Kader] Mangane haven't played, while Alfred [N'Diaye] has been working hard on integrating, so it's been good for them.

“We fly back on Saturday and then begin our preparations not only for the West Brom game, but the remainder of the season.

“There's a number of teams out here – for example, West Ham, QPR and Reading – so managers obviously believe there is a benefit."