Steve Bruce: "Thankfully he's not mine to manage anymore.
"(But) we all know what I think of Lee as a player.
"One thing Lee's got to curb is that red mist that comes down. We know you can't make that challenge in today's football, you just can't make it.
"He's got to learn that and I'm sure he will...eventually.
"In my day it might have been a booking but the directive is that if you leave the floor with studs showing, even if you don't make contact, it is seen as reckless and endangering the the player.
"The referee's got that one right and the second one (by Dossena) is a horror challenge, let me tell you.
"It was on David Meyler, who has had two serious injuries in his career, and he was lucky because those are the ones that really damage footballers.
"I don't know if you can get three red cards but he deserved them.
"Yes I have Geordie roots and I spoke about that. You all want the story, I understand that, but as far as I'm concerned it's gone; history.
"Let's all move on with our lives, it was a long time ago. No matter who you managed, when you get one over an old team it's always satisfying but that's about it."