An introduction...

Last updated : 02 February 2007 By Adam King

First off, thanks for reading this - I hope such good taste continues in the future. I am probably a lot like you (unless you're a mag sneaking a read about a real PEOPLES club), I'm a 24 year old Sunderland lad, well, Washington but I can see Penshaw monument from my back window so, lets not be picky. I have been an ardent Sunderland fan all my life, my Dad took me to the Milk Cup final when I was 3, I had a season ticket from 88 to 04 when unfortunately my rock n roll lifestyle left my diary and bank balance in disarray. I was at Wembley again in 92 and 98, and I once stole John Byrnes gloves, so, as you can see, I am fully qualified.

I am back amongst it again now though and what a time to be here eh? Legends running the club, a half decent team on the pitch again, and, dare I say it - a sneaky little promotion push forming. The window's closed, and NOW it starts to get interesting. Keano's got the lads playing for the shirt again (with a few possible exceptions…) and the atmospheres building nicely for a climactic run in to the end of the season.

One things for sure, there'll be plenty to write about.

Thanks for having me…



(P.S – I don't have a fit sister, before you ask…)